kids olympics, sochi 2014 -

Are Your Kids Watching the Olympics?

The Winter Olympics are in full swing and so far they have been a success in the television ratings department. According to reports, during the first five days of coverage they were averaging just under 26 million viewers each night, which compares favorably to the Vancouver Games four years ago. An average of 26.4 million Americans tuned in each night of those Games.

People Are Watching

Meantime, the live coverage of the Olympics airing on NBC Sports Network has also attracted great numbers. In fact, on Tuesday, the Games scored record ratings for the cable network with 1.1 million people tuning into watch live. With so many people watching, it’s a sure bet that many of them are teens and kids. Perhaps your home has been tuned in each night to see what happens.

What About Your Kids?

According to one blogger on, he is actually making his kids watch the Games. According to Steve Davis, the slopestyle snowboarding is a hit and the downhill skiing always offers some intriguing and thrilling moments. According to Davis, his kids weren't all that interested in the Olympics at first, but now they love it.

Launch Pad Is Watching

At Launch pad we are watching the Games and so are many of our children. We understand that kids have impressionable young minds and that many times they want to mimic what they see on TV. The Olympics are full of wonderful stories and great competitions, and when kids watch they are very likely going to have some interest in trying some of the sports themselves.

Launching New Skiers

If your kids are getting into the Games and asking questions about learning to ski then we can help. Our Ski Harness, Hookease and Wedgease are all great ski-training tools for young skiers. So go ahead, let your kids enjoy the Olympics and then help them get out there and start learning how to enjoy the events themselves. Launch pad will be there to help and who knows, maybe in a few years your kid will be part of the Olympics and not just a spectator.

Source: CBS Baltimore, “Do them a favor: Make your kids watch the Olympics!,” Steve Davis, Feb. 11, 2014.