Teach Someone to Ski Like a Pro
If you’re in the ski training business or just a parent who wants to teach his or her child to ski then Launch Pad is a great place to start. At Launch Pad we’ve developed a revolutionary way to make ski training easy and fun. The first thing we recommend you try is Hookease, which is designed to help you teach your first-time skiers the basic fundamentals as they learn to ski.
Effective Training
Hookease is so effective because it gives you the ability to teach those fundamentals in a controlled environment. Hookease has been tested and approved by ski instructors and is recognized as a great development tool for a full day on the slopes or for a lesson with your young beginner. After using the Hookease system don’t be shocked when your son or daughter or grandchild suddenly takes off on his or her own, skiing with full confidence and proper technique.
Easy ski lift access
Hookease also makes getting you and your young skier onto the lift much easier. All you have to do is give your beginner a push to the desired location, then remove the hooks from the ski mounts, and off you go. Anyone who is a kids ski trainer or has taught a group of students will love this aspect of Hookease, because as you probably know, it seems like at least one student is always lagging behind the rest of the group and needs help getting on the lift.
Mount and Remove With Ease
So how does it work? We thought you’d never ask. The Hookease system easily slips right over your beginner’s skis, adjusts according to the width, and then securely clamps on the back of the skis. It features a unique gripping material that will stay in place on your ski until you remove it. Hookease not only allows you to control your beginner’s speed, but it also gives you the ability to teach him or her the right way to make a glide, a wedge and even turn.
Teaching Kids to Ski
The Hookease system is one of the best ski training tools available and it’s the perfect system for any young skier who is dying to hit the slopes. Another unique feature is that it allows you to actually control and maneuver the ski. This makes it so much easier for your learner to feel and experience the proper techniques for him or herself. The Hookease is also very versatile as it offers a universal mount and attachment system, which is made to work with just about every type of ski and pole on the market.
Order Your Hookease Today
If you’re a kids’ ski trainer or teach ski lessons every day, then you need to try Hookease. It will save you from spending so much of your time skiing backwards, bending over, pulling on the reigns, or yelling for your students to do something different. Hookease allows both you and your students the ability to keep a comfortable and correct ski position all day. If that sounds like a dream come true, then start living the dream now and order your Hookease system today!