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What Age Is Right for Your Child to Learn to Ski?

Are you one of those parents who can’t wait to get your young child out on the slopes to start experiencing the joy of skiing? Any parent who loves to ski will want to share the experience with his or her child. However, teaching a little one to ski usually requires some patience on your part. As much as you want your children to take off and enjoy the powder you have to let them learn at the their pace.

What Age To Start?

The first question most people have is at what age should they begin teaching their child. There are a lot different answers to that question and it depends on whom you ask. Some parents start their kids out as young as 18 months, while others feel the best age to really begin is for or five. Obviously, everyone is going to have a different opinion on this, so it will really be up to each parent to decide on what age he or she is ready to begin.

How To Teach

There are many different methods to teach your little ones to ski, and just like the age question, there are many opinions regarding which ski training methods are best. Some parents just drop their kids off at ski school or for ski lessons. However, many parents prefer to experience the learning process alongside their little ones.


If you would rather be the one to help your child learn to ski then Launch Pad has some great ski training tools to help you in the process. Our Hookease, Wedgease and Ski Harness help kids learn to ski and they help parents teach them. The bottom line when it comes to ski training for kids, no matter what age you start, having the right ski training tools at your disposal will make a huge difference. So if you’re ready to start teaching your child to enjoy the slopes give our creative products a try. They’ll make any teaching day on the slopes a better one.